Saturday, February 27, 2010

And then.

The past two weeks have not been good for climbing. Transportation wise, I can get there on the bus, but it just takes so much time. Last week I seem to have acquired a slight cold, this week I have to be at work at 2ish three out of five days (which means leaving the house around 1230). Plus I am not feeling all that motivated.
I think the winter is getting to me. This year has just been cold and more cold. Our ten day forecast finally has a few days in or near fifty with lows in the high twenties, which means my hope of starting to ride my motorcycle again in a few weeks seems feasible. I am thinking I should have enough saved up by mid april to get something new.
Last time I mentioned the beer I had going had yet to start fermentation. Shortly after I wrote those words, it did. And boy did it ever. It was maybe the most active fermentation I have seen so far! Yesterday I racked it to the secondary, taking the specific gravity and having a taste. The sg went from 1.063 to 1.006 in six days. Right now that is in the neighborhood of 7+% abv. Taste wise, it was really good. Alot of those fruity esters you would typically find in a Belgian beer, some light tartness, and a light sour/funky aroma.
10 lb Pilsner malt
11 oz Wheat malt
5 oz Acidulated malt
2 oz Crystal pellets @ 90 min
.5 oz Crystal pellets @ 2 min
5526 - Brettanomyces Lambicus
Ferment at 78 degrees for one week, move to secondary and temperatures below 55 for 2-4 weeks. It is currently in my garage where I am sure the temps will fluctuate a bit, but should remain in the 40's.
I think when it gets warmer I am going to start riding my bike to work twice a week or so. I won't have to leave all that much earlier and I can start getting in shape.
I am also working on my application for CU. I still may be able to get into the fall semester, but we shall see.

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