Friday, July 3, 2009

walker, rmnp, new bike.

Had a busy few days here. As some of you know I have been looking for a motorcycle for a bit now. I have wanted one forever. I remember taking my mom with me to look at some when I was still in high school. It has only taken me ten years to actually get on with it. I guess most of that time I have lived in places where it would have been totally unnecessary or hadn't had the money or time or whatever. I am finally living in place where I will use it alot and I do have the money and time.
I saw an ad on craigslist for a 2001 Buell Blast that had some damage. I got in touch with the guy and went to see it. He answered all my questions and went over the bike with me and told me what was broken and fixed and so forth. I felt he was being very honest as the only sign of damage really is a bent shift lever. I test rode and it felt good so I made him an offer that he accepted. I was able to purchase insurance that evening and register and title the bike the next morning and went to pick it up after that. I took 36 and Nelson home from Boulder so I could get on some twistier roads.

The decals are the logo of Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works advanced development program. I think they give it some personality. I am glad things worked out how they did and I ended up with this over the Ninja 250. I feel it is a bit nicer and when I want to upgrade to something bigger, I should be able to sell it for very close to what I paid for it. I am going to get some high temp paint and sand the rust of the exhaust and repaint that shortly.
On Tuesday I went to Walker Ranch and rode my mountain bike for the first time in a month and a half. I was thinking all of my road riding would have helped my fitness, but I was wrong. I felt like I was going to die! I also did the loop CCW which is the harder way in my opinion. Still it only took me an hour and seven minutes with a few short rests. Which isn't too bad. I did have a lack of confidence on some of the trickier sections, which was kind of frustrating.
On Wednesday after I picked up the bike we headed up to RMNP for some bouldering. It started raining shortly after we got there which was kind of a bummer. Also I only brought my new shoes, Mad Rock Demons, which really hurt for doing slabby stuff. After the rain stopped the mosquitos came out. We got chewed up and decided to move up to the Wild Basin boulder.
We climbed here a bit but it wasn't long before the mosquitos found us again. We decided to call it a day at that point.

And here are some pictures of our doggie. He is doing really well with us and turning into a real dog finally! We just have to get him to walk with us on a leash. He loves playing fetch and being out in the yard. When we first got him he wouldn't stay out there unless one of us stayed out with him. I am glad he is coming along and realizing that he can trust people again. It is great to come home and see how excited he is to see us. He doesn't much of a tail, but he does the full body wag. Pretty cute.

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